Churchill CofE Primary School

Churchill CofE Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Class 3

Welcome 2021/2022


It has been a pleasure to meet your children and to welcome them into Year 3. We have had a busy few weeks already and I’m sure there will be a few more before half term!


In Year 3, we will have PE twice a week (Tuesday and Wednesday). Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school so that they can take part.


Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Please could children hand their spellings in on Wednesdays.


We do expect the children to read at home at least 5 times a week. Reading books can be changed daily by the children.

TT Rockstars and Numbots is our times tables/number bonds homework so we do expect the children to log in at home to practise the times tables they have been set.  


Please find the Spellings homework booklet for this term on MS Teams.


Please find below a copy of our Meet the Teacher PowerPoint.

Summer Reading Challenge 2022


This year's challenge runs from Saturday 9th July to Saturday 10th September in North Somerset Libraries.


The theme is 'Gadgeteers', developed in partnership with the Science Museums Group. The challenge aims to show children that science is all around us every day and inspire them to unleash their curiosity and creativity.

Term 4

Please find below the Curriculum Jigsaw for Terms 3 and 4

Dance Their Socks Off

Year three had an amazing trip to The Weston Playhouse!


They opened the performance with the re-telling of the story Flotsam and managed to dance their socks off by the finale!


Well done, year 3. You made us proud! 


Remember to come dressed as your favourite book character and bring in a used book to take part in the book swap.

Term 3

Please find below the Curriculum Jigsaw for Terms 3 and 4


Optional Homework Project Term 1 and 2



For Week 7 spellings homework, we will be consolidating the spelling rules we have learnt in Term 1 using words from the Year 3 and 4 Spelling List. The test for these spellings will take place on Friday 22nd October 2021. Please find below a copy of the spellings.

Spellings Term 2


Please find below the letter explaining the changes to our Spellings homework as well as the Spellings booklet for this term for Mrs Linham's group.


In Science this week, we have been investigating how reflective materials are. We shone a light through a piece of white paper onto different materials. Then we observed how reflective the materials were by the amount of light that reflected back on the white paper. 

Term 2

In Science this term, we have been investigating mirrors and how they work. 

