Churchill CofE Primary School

Churchill CofE Primary School

Governing Body - Who's who?


Sally Furniss - Chairman & Co-Opted Governor

I have served as a Governor here for over twenty years. My own boys were educated here right through from Reception to sixth form at the Community School.

Areas of responsibility

I am currently serving as Chair of the Governing Body, and am part of the Management Committee. As Chair I need to have a good overview of all aspects of school life, though.

Other Information

Recently retired from my career as a dietitian working in the NHS, I now have more time to devote to this lovely school, and to grandchildren, gardening, running and looking after our many animals. I also work part time for Thatchers, leading tours around the cider mill!

Why am I a Governor? Because I want all of our children to have the best possible education that we can provide here at Churchill Primary.




Lorraine Woollven – Headteacher

As Headteacher it is important to play a full role on the governing body. As a Headteacher governor I believe I am able to offer an insight into the activities of the school, an understanding of the school’s ethos and culture as well as a close, professional knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses. Working in partnership with other governors we are able to determine the strategic development of the school.



Jackie Bush - Co-Opted Governor

I have been on the governing body since 2001. As well as having 5 children of my own, I have been a foster carer for 28 years and am involved with the training of new carers and am the current chair of the North Somerset Foster Carers association.

Areas of Responsibility

I am a member of the Curriculum committee and have a special responsibility for special educational needs (SEN) and am the named governor for safeguarding and child protection.

Other information

Having grown up in the village and attended the local schools I have a keen interest in village life. I joined the Parish council in 1997 and am currently the Chair. I also sit on the North Somerset Independent Advisory Group (IAG) for Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Although my various roles demand energy and commitment they also allow me to play an active and rewarding role in the community.


Claire Hosgood - Co-Opted Governor

Areas of Responsibility

I have been a Governor since 2004, and during this time I have on the Facilities Committees, ensuring the smooth and safe running of the school environment. My current role is to oversee the Health and Safety issues within school. I worked as an LSA within school and I also carried out speech and language work with children who have been assessed by the Speech and Language therapy dept. I have now retired but wanted to continue in voluntary capacity as a Governor.

I have 2 children both of whom went through Churchill Primary.


Tracey Jones - Co-Opted Governor and Vice Chair

I have been a governor since my eldest daughter started school. I have four daughters who have all attended Churchill Primary School.

Areas of responsibility           

I am Chair of the Personnel committee, which allows me to draw on my experience in human resources.

Other Information

I am a primary school teacher working in local schools.


Wendy Humm - Foundation Governor and Vice-Chair 

I was appointed as a governor in 2014 and have been involved with the school for over 20 years as a parent, teacher, grandparent and now governor.

I am a retired primary school teacher and remain active with various local groups and organisations, including the church, Riding for the disabled and previously with the National Autistic Society.

Areas of Responsibility

I am currently one of two Vice-Chairs. I am a member of the Curriculum Committee and as a Foundation Governor I am also a member of the Ethos Team.




Nikki Tams – Parent Elected Governor

I joined the governing body in December 2016, due to a desire to be more involved in the school community. I recall my Mum being a governor whilst I was growing up, and how I loved that she knew so many of my friends and teachers, so I wanted to do the same for my children. It is a really interesting role, and I am pleased to be able to give something back to a school that is really supportive and inclusive. I am on the personnel committee.

Margaret Morris, Foundation Governor.

I joined the governing body in November 2016. I am married with three children and six grandchildren, two of whom have been pupils at Churchill Primary school. I am now retired but I was a primary school teacher for twenty- three years.

Area of Responsibility.

I am a member of the curriculum committee and the ethos committee, which is the link between the school and the local churches of St Mary’s and St John’s.

Other Information.

I have lived in the village for twenty-two years and have been a member of St Mary’s church in Langford for all that time. I am part of the team which presents the “Open the Book” service in school every Monday.

Amongst my other interests are walking, the U3A and Wrington Drama club.

Wendy Farrier, Co-Opted Governor.

I have worked in Education as a School Business Manager since 1991 and have seen many changes in the education system during that time. I was a governor for 4 years in Kent before I relocated with my family to North Somerset when I took up a role at a local secondary school and settled in Churchill.
In 2016 I decided to offer myself as a governor having seen a request in the parish magazine. I was co-opted onto the board and am now vice-chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee.

James Johns – Co-Opted Governor

I am on the Finance Committee for Churchill having recently moved to the area with my wife and two daughters in 2018. At our previous school I was vice chair of the governing body and chair of the Finance Committee. This has given me a good understanding of schools and their structure and a good foundation for the challenges that a primary school can face.

I have had career in financial service, with 16 years in commercial banking sector, I now work as a commercial finance consultant and have a full understanding of financial governance, controls and compliance.

My interest outside of work and the school are playing football, golf, running and cycling all of which are a challenge when trying to keep up with my family’s own social calendar.

Verity White – Parent Governor

I moved to the area in June 2019 in preparation for my son, William, to start school in 2020. I have worked in Bristol making wildlife documentaries for the BBC and Netflix for nearly twenty years, seeing some comparison with leading expeditions to the Congo and keeping up with chimpanzees to running a school. I applied for the role of parent governor to offer support and advice. With particular interests in nature and the environment, I spend most of my spare time up in the Mendips and campaigning for action on Climate Change. 




Andy Goldhawk - Parent Governor

Andy Goldhawk is a Parent Governor and has lived in Langford since 2012. He works at UWE in Bristol managing a team who support academic in bidding for, and running, research projects.

Toby Maddocks - Staff Governor

My name is Toby Maddocks and I am a Staff Governor at Churchill CEVC Primary School. I am currently the Year 4 Teacher and have responsibility for English Leadership and Writing in particular. In my role as Governor I sit on the Full Governing Body, Finance and Committee and Academy working group.

I am passionate about supporting the vision, values and development of Churchill Primary School and work in these groups with experience as a former member of leadership and teaching teams in a variety of schools. I live in Winscombe and both of my daughters attend the school.

Outside of working at Churchill, I am a keen cyclist and hiker. I also help lead and support a disabled children’s holiday charity that provides two week-long residential camps for children in the local area and Cheshire.

Lizzy Clausen - Parent Governor

I joined the governing body in 2021 having been part of the school community since 2017. I have always had a keen interest in supporting the school. I have children in KS1 and KS2 and I hope my connections with multiple year groups throughout the school will assist me to do the best job I can as a parent governor.  I am a member of the Curriculum Committee.
