Churchill CofE Primary School

Churchill CofE Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to our

Year 6 class page 2023-24






  • Our final term of the academic year, and what a busy term it is!
  • We are very involved in our end of year production rehearsals currently, with costume and prop making, learning words and songs, building set and learning dance routines - come and join us for Shrek Jr, The Musical on either Wednesday 10th or Thursday 11th July - details below.
  • In Science we are studying Evolution & Inheritance, learning how animals and plants adapt to survive in their habitats.
  • Our topic is the Ancient Greeks and we are creating our own mythical creatures linked to writing an information text.  We've been busy learning all about the Greek Gods and Goddesses too.
  • In PE we are busy preparing for Sports Day and improving our Rounders skills.
  • For PSHE we are completing the Changing Me unit - details of which can been seen in the shared powerpoint below.
  • We have a really exciting day trip to Crealy coming up in Week 7, once our production is complete.
  • The class are busy attending transition days to their new settings and we have lots of 'Moving Up' activities and a talk from Kooth to help support us with moving on to Year 7.
  • Our term will end with our Leavers' Service on Tuesday 23rd July - the final day of term. 
  • For more information on what we are learning, please look at our Curriculum Map.

End of Year Production - July 10th & 11th 2024

The Year 6 children are busy rehearsing for the end of year production: Shrek Jr The Musical.


Tickets are available for sale via Parentpay for £5 each. 


Our two performances are:

Wednesday 10th July at 6.30pm

Thursday 11th July at 1.45pm


Full details can be found via the letters page of this website.


